Thursday, August 6, 2015

Finding Caffeine Alternatives

Do you have fibroid cysts? Do you notice them in your breast? Are your breast tender after a day of drinking strong coffee or soda? I've discovered the caffeine in much of these drinks affect me the very next day. My major symptom is pain and cyst swelling in my breasts. Although I love coffee I must seek alternative options, and there are not too many options to go by. I don't seem to have that bad of a reaction to Green Tea or White Tea. I determined Caffeine doesn't affect me as long as I don't go over 70 mgs per day which is a lot and easy to manage.
For example I can have two Starbucks Refresher drinks and not have swelling in my breasts, but if I have two cups of Sumatra Coffee; I'll regret it the very next day, I'll also have other symptoms If I say ignore the breast pain and continue drinking coffee everyday. The symptoms will grow to distressed breathing and nasal congestion. Anyone heard of this before? Can I really be allergic to caffeine? I know it the caffeine because the same thing will happen when I drink a coke. I'll keep you posted as I continue to trouble shoot and perhaps consult with an Internalist.

To check if caffeine is in anything you try you can check this site for reference

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